Press Releases

Unique Fr.212b 1864 $500 Interest Bearing Note Leads Stacks Bowers November Baltimore Currency Auction
A unique Fr.212b 1864 $500 Interest Bearing Note that had been off of the market for more than 40 years realized $352,500 to lead the Currency Auction of the Whitman Coin and Collectibles Winter Expo. The Stacks Bowers Galleries Official Whitman Expo Auction, which also included U.S. coins and world coins and currency, realized over $7.9 million, with the currency bringing $1,534,950. All prices include a 17.5% Buyers Premium.
Baltimore World Coin Sale Achieves Stellar Results!

Stacks Bowers Galleries is pleased to announce results of their recent November Baltimore Sale of World Coins, World Paper Money and Ancient Coins, held November 5th through 10th in conjunction with the Whitman Coin & Collectibles Winter Expo.

Stacks Bowers Galleries November 2015 Baltimore Auction Realized Over $7.9 Million, with over $5 Million in U.S. Coins
Once again, the Stacks Bowers Galleries Official Auction of the Whitman Coins & Collectibles Baltimore Expo attracted great excitement. The sale comprised six separate offerings of United States coins, beginning with a Rarities Night session and concluding with two Internet Only sessions. With spirited activity overall, the November Baltimore U.S. coin auction garnered over $5 million. The event also included U.S. currency and world coins and currency, bringing the total prices realized to over $7.9 million. All prices include the buyers premium.
The Stacks Bowers and Ponterio December Hong Kong Sale to Offer Many Rarities

Stacks Bowers and Ponterio is pleased to announce details of their upcoming Hong Kong Auction of Chinese and Asian coins and currency, to be held December 8 through December 15 at The Mira Hong Kong, 118 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.  

Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio to Offer The Fook Wing Tong Chinese Space Collection in Hong Kong
Stacks Bowers and Ponterio is pleased to offer space collectibles from the Shenzhou 1 in their December 8-9, 2015, Hong Kong auction. These items were stored in the cabin of and traveled into space aboard Shenzhou 1, Chinas first space ship in 1999. Returning to the Earth from space, each piece was examined and certified by The Peoples Republic of China Beijing Notary Office. Each piece is government-certified, individually serial numbered, contains a unique code and has a Notary certificate examined and issued by Beijing Notary Public Office of the Peoples Republic of China.

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