Press Releases

Stacks Bowers ANA US Currency Auction Now Open for Bidding

The Stacks BowersGalleries Official United States Currency Auction of the ANA Worlds Fair ofMoney is now online and open for bidding. This years auction offers 551 livelots along with 286 Internet-only lots.

An Incredible Selection of United States Coin Rarities to Highlight the Stacks Bowers Galleries Official Auction of the 2017 ANA Worlds Fair of Money

Stacks Bowers Galleries isthrilled to present an incredible lineup of United States coins in theirOfficial Auction of the 2017 ANA Worlds Fair of Money, August 1-5 in Denver,Colorado. Showcasing the High Rise Collection, the Magnolia Collection, andother important properties, this sale is poised to be the numismatic event ofthe summer, with highlights that include the finest known 1853-O No Arrows halfdollar and the Lord St. Oswald-Norweb 1794 Flowing Hair dollar.

Join Stacks Bowers Galleries in the Mile-High City for the 2017 ANA Auction

Stack's Bowers Galleries ispleased to announce details of their upcoming World Coin, Ancient Coin &World Paper Money Auctions, to be held in conjunction with the 2017 ANA World'sFair of Money between August 1 and 5. The event will be held at theColorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.

The Stacks Bowers Galleries June 2017 Baltimore Auction Realizes over $5.3 Million

The Stacks BowersGalleries Official Auction of the June 2017 Whitman Coin and Collectibles Expo,held at the Baltimore Convention Center, brought together collectors across allspecialties for the offering of material truly fresh to the market. Highlightedby the Blue Moon and Robert Warner Wolfe Collections, over $5.3 million in U.S.coins were sold over the course of the sale, signaling sustained demand forquality coins of every denomination.

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