
Looking Forward to The August 2013 ANA Currency Auction

The currency department at Stack’s Bowers is in full swing preparing for the upcoming Official Currency Auction of the 2013 ANA World’s Fair of Money. With the previous two years bringing incredible treasures to market we will anticipate this third consecutive year as the official auctioneer to be a historic offering yet again. In 2011 we were privileged to handle the incredible Harry W. Bass Jr. collection, Part V, which featured the “Educational,” series of Silver Certificates from 1896. The featured lot was the uncut sheets of the number 1-4 notes for the three issued denominations realizing an impressive $1,265,000. The sale also had scope that appealed to nearly every corner of the banknote market and set several records from Colonial to Federally issued items. In 2012 Stack’s Bowers yet again pleasantly surprised collectors with an offering that realized over $7,000,000 incollectible currency. Standout lots included a vast amount of high denomination large size notes from two 1890 $100 “Watermelon,” notes to both an 1878 $500and 1880 $1,000 Legal Tenders.

Our most recent auction was held not long ago in Baltimore as the Official Currency Auction of the Whitman Coin and Collectibles Expo. The sale showed the market to be trending steadily upwards. This fact gives us a strong inclination that the bidding will be highly competitive at our 2013 ANA Currency Auction. We are still accepting consignments for this prestigious event where your collectible currency can be sold alongside other important rarities. Our consignment deadline for World Banknotes is May 13th and our deadline for U.S. Currency will be June 17th. The Official ANA Auction is always the most anticipated event held by our firm and with the consignment window closing quickly we recommend you call or email one of our currency experts today to discuss taking part in this important auction.

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