
Very Choice New “Binion” $10,000 Federal Reserve Note Featured in the Stack’s Bowers ANA Sale

A high-grade example of one of the famed “Binion Hoard”
$10,000 Federal Reserve Notes (once displayed at Las Vegas’ Binion’s Horseshow
Casino) will be offered in Stack’s Bowers Galleries Official Currency Auction
of the ANA World’s Fair of Money. This Series of 1934 note, found in lot
, was graded Very Choice New 64 by PCGS Currency and is among the
nicest examples of this ultra-high denomination type available to collectors.

The Binion’s Horseshow display featured 100 Series of
1934 $10,000 notes from the New York Federal Reserve District inside a large
golden horseshoe. The exhibit was displayed in the Las Vegas casino for nearly
50 years before the notes were sold and disbursed in 2000.

The portrait of Salmon P. Chase, secretary of the Treasury
under Lincoln during the Civil War, is seen at the center on the face of these
notes. The powerful back design features denominational counters in the corners
and a large 10,000 at center with “THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, TEN THOUSAND
DOLLARS” overlaid. Excellent centering and sharply printed inks are displayed
by this wonderfully preserved example that is destined to be the centerpiece of
any collection it enters. This note carries a pre-auction estimate of

The live sessions of the Stack’s Bowers Galleries Official U.S. Paper
Money Auction at the ANA World’s Fair of Money will be held Wednesday and
Friday August 14th and 16th. Internet sessions will be held the following week.
For more information regarding the auction contact Director of Currency Peter
Treglia at 800-458-4646 or [email protected].

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