
Consign Now to Stack’s Bowers Galleries Official Auction of the Whitman Coin and Collectibles Winter Expo

​As you read these words our members are planning the rest of our 2019 auction season (filling fast) and the great events scheduled for 2020, with some planning even further ahead. The Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expos in Baltimore are three of the most dynamic shows of the year. If you act quickly (by September 18) you can consign to the next one, coming up fast in November. In addition to regular attractions, the Colonial Coin Collectors Club will have its annual meeting—well worth investigating.

Are you thinking of selling? Then think of Stack’s Bowers Galleries. If you carefully consider the matter, there is no other logical choice. Our record dates back to our first sale in 1935 and our first American Numismatic Association convention sale in 1939, as mentioned above. Since then we have handled thousands of collections from modest in size to the greatest and have had an unequalled record of success. The dynamism continues: we currently hold the records for the most expensive coins ever sold at auction worldwide and the most valuable collections ever auctioned. More is to come!

Whether you have some choice and interesting duplicates, sets, or series to sell or whether you have a great collection laden with rarities, our Dream Team would like to hear from you. Just call 800-458-4646 (West Coast) or 800-566-2580 (East Coast) to speak with a consignment specialist. 

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