It had been quite some time since the last major coin show in the U.S., so expectations for this event were high. Election results and a volatile bullion market added excitement to the mix, so we anticipated an impressive turnout and plenty of activity. True to form, attendees came ready to buy, sell, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
At the Stack’s Bowers Galleries table, our experts were super busy buying and selling, and our auction team was almost continuously talking to dealers and collectors alike. Stay tuned for more details about some of the really great things consigned to our upcoming sales!
Coin shows are always enjoyable. I’ve been going to Baltimore shows for decades, and I always look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new people. Baltimore is also a great destination city for foodies, which doesn’t hurt.
The highlight of the show was, of course, the preview of our November Showcase Auction, which was loaded with fresh-to-market U.S. coins and paper money. By the time you read this, the sales will be well underway, but there may still be time to participate in the internet-only sessions at StacksBowers.com. Good luck to everyone, and I hope to see you at the next show!
Stack’s Bowers Galleries is always accepting consignments for future sales. To consign for an upcoming auction, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] or email our consignment team at [email protected].