The World Currency Department of Stack’s Bowers Galleries
is proud to offer the catalog for our 2019 August ANA Auction, held at the
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. Click here to view the sale online.
Included in this sale is one of the finest sections of collectible Indian paper
money offered in one place.
Our offering of pieces from India is heavy in five- to six-figure
highlights. A complete Haj Pilgrim Issue set is available, split into three
lots with Pick R1 to R4 in lot 30223, the R5 in 30224, and the R6 in lot 30225.
Lot 30226 offers an ultra rare UNC 2 Rupees, 8 Annas in a PMG CU64 holder, a piece
that we are offering for the first time. An astonishing 10,000 Rupees Specimen
(P-50As) will be offered in lot 30239, a note we think is likely the only known
example as no others are registered on the PMG population report. Lot 30238
offers, in issued form, the finest PMG Graded Pick 49a 5000 Rupees, graded
VF30. This high denomination note, and the aforementioned Indian lots, will
surely be standouts in even the most advanced collection of Indian paper money
or cabinet of paper money in general.
To set up an account for bidding, or questions regarding
the sale please contact [email protected]. To consign to our future
auctions, or questions regarding a specific lot, please contact
[email protected].