
Introducing The Voyager Collection of Foreign Banks in China: Part 1

Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio is proud to announce that Part I of the Voyager Collection of Foreign Banks in China will be offered for sale in the April 2025 Hong Kong Sale. The collection was meticulously assembled by a prominent and discerning collector over the last 25 years with a focus on obtaining all different designs, date runs, specimens and issued notes for each bank. There are virtually no duplicates. The breadth of the collection is awesome, as are the grades of the notes which are usually among the finest for type. It is not an exaggeration to state that the collection is one of the best, if not the best, collection of Foreign Banks extant today. 

The collection, comprising more than 300 notes, will be sold in two parts, the first in April 2025 and the second in October 2025. 

Highlights from Part 1 include:

1. Banque De L’Indo-Chine: 100 Dollars = 100 Piastres, Specimen, 1902. PMG 65 EPQ
2. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank: 25 Dollars, Specimen, Shanghai, 1907. PMG 58
3. Asiatic Banking Corporation: 50 Taels, Specimen, Shanghai, ND (1860). PMG 63
4. Russo-Chinese Bank: 300 Cash, 1898. PMG 35
5. Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation: 5 Dollars, Tientsin, 1901. PMG 55
6. Sino-Belgian Bank: 10 Mexican Dollars, Shanghai, 1908. PMG 55

There are many additional rare and wonderful notes from this collection as well as notes consigned by other clients. These make our April offering of ‘Foreign Banks in China’ the largest and most valuable in our lengthy history, and likely the most prominent among all Hong Kong auctions in the last ten years. 

Our upcoming Hong Kong Auction is scheduled for April 7-14, 2025. For more information relating to the sale or to consign to an upcoming auction, please call +852 2117 1191 or email [email protected]

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