The red carpet will be rolled out for you if you attend. Perhaps in keeping with the French theme of the city, we present a boutique sale—not expansive, but of very high quality and with a wonderful selection of coins long off the market—some for over a century! While the 1879 Coiled Hair Stella will make headlines, well over a thousand other lots in our gallery or floor sale will attract attention as will over 1,600 Internet lots.
Our audience will include eager buyers at the National Money Show plus untold thousands participating in real time worldwide. We expect a lot of action! And, for you, we hope you will find some very special pieces to add to your cabinet.
Front Row Center for You
We will put on quite an event at the National Money Show. Front row center will be several highlight consignments. The “Property of a New England Museum” coins include gorgeous Proof and Mint State coins that have been held for a century or more by a leading institution that has requested anonymity. If you are successful, you will own coins that no one alive today has ever had the chance to see before! That is, except for the museum curators and our professional staff! “Fresh to the market” is more than appropriate here!
The Clear Creek Collection emphasizes high grade Liberty Seated half dollars—a favorite specialty for many of our clients. Proofs abound! The Hudson Collection of Standing Liberty Quarters offers a nearly complete date and mint set of this beautiful series—starting with a focal-point 1916 Mint State rarity with Full Head! If you collect Morgan silver dollars or plan to do so, you are in the right place at the right time. The Edward J. Monaghan Collection goes from the first year, 1878, to the last, 1921, and along the way has coins from eminently affordable to the classic rarities, including key Carson City issues.
Were there a Hall of Fame for Numismatic Scholars, the late Dr. Dexter Seymour would be enshrined. He did ground-breaking studies on the private gold coinage of Georgia (Templeton Reid) and North Carolina (the Bechtler family). Today, these stand as standard references. From his estate collection we offer many scarce and rare private and territorial coins highlighted by a Reid gold $2.50. In Georgia for just three months in 1830, Reid produced a very limited number of coins—all of which are museum class rarities today.
Among copper coins there are many scarce and rare issues as well as popular types. A Superb Gem Proof-67 1831 half cent will be among the pieces in the spotlight in the center ring. A Gem Proof 1864 Small Motto two-cent piece is likely to draw bids from all directions. Very few equivalent pieces exist.
Silver coins range from trimes to trade dollars. Early Proofs are the rarest of the rare, with several notable pieces set to cross the block, including an 1843 Liberty Seated dime, 1833 Capped Bust quarter, 1845 Liberty Seated half dollar, and an 1839 (restrike) Gobrecht silver dollar.
Territorial and private gold coins include the aforementioned Dexter estate coins plus other consignments—including California, Mormon, and Clark, Gruber & Co. issues.
Gold coins from dollars to double eagles have many highlights. Early pre-1834 coins include Mint State examples. Charlotte, Dahlonega, and Carson City gold include notable pieces. Proof gold from the late 19th century into the 20th will be a drawing card. The key 1879 Coiled Hair $4 is in good company with the “regular” Flowing Hair Stella of the same year. The MCMVII (1907) High Relief double eagle by Augustus Saint-Gaudens has consistently maintained its position as the most beautiful American coin issued for circulation. We offer a selection, including a remarkable Superb Gem MS-67.
How to Be a Winning Bidder!
There are several easy ways to bid in ANA Money Show sale. First, the red carpet will be out for you if you come “down yonder” to attend. Lot viewing is comfortable and convenient. Tasty food and a selection of beverages are yours as a registered bidder.
Alternatively, you can participate on the Internet, on the telephone (by advance arrangement), or by sending your bids by mail. The secret that is quickly spreading to common knowledge is that our online auction program, SBG Live, enables you to attend our sale, in a way, from the comfort of your favorite chair in your living room, or from your office. On your screen you will see our auctioneer in action, hear every word of commentary, and watch the progression of bids. See something you like? Just touch “BID” on your screen, and you are the winner—at least for the moment. The experience is exciting!
Today, most of our buyers bid this way! Countless thousands of clients will be following the action on line. In addition, our session of over 1,600 Internet-only lots will be this way exclusively.
Study our lot descriptions carefully and view the pictures. Then come to the sale or bid on line. Today in 2013 the Internet offers sharpness that exceeds anything in print. Contemplate the coins in your specialties, then consider some new areas. Collecting is a dynamic ever-changing adventure, and discovering new things to collect is part of the enjoyment.
Thinking of Selling?
Stack’s Bowers Galleries has a star-studded auction calendar planned for the next several months! Certainly among the most impressive would be the upcoming World’s Fair of Money hosted by the American Numismatic Association this August in Chicago. We would be delighted to showcase your collection or individual rare items in “the convention of the year.” In addition, we host the official auctions for the Whitman Coins & Collectibles Expos held in Baltimore in June, November and March 2014. We are just seconds away by toll-free call at 1-800-458-4646. Call or email us today. It may be the most financially rewarding decision you have ever made.
Chris Napolitano, President
Q. David Bowers, Chairman Emeritus