Stacks Bowers and Ponterio Sells Over $5.7 Million as Official ANA Auctioneer

Author: Stack's Bowers Galleries / August 30, 2012

IRVINE, Calif. (August 30, 2012) – Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio conducted the Official Auction of the August 2012 World’s Fair of Money from August 4-10 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. The world and ancients division of Stack’s Bowers Galleries presented over 1,300 lots of ancient and world coins and paper money, as well as an Internet-only session that contained more than 700 lots of ancient and world coins and paper money. The sale featured coins from the Demarete Collection, the Madeleine Collection, and much more, and included a plethora of highlights and significant results.

British rarities featured a high grade Oxford mint Triple Unite, an attractive, well struck coin in PCGS AU-58 that sold for a hefty $161,000, as well as an extremely rare 1644 Oxford mint Pound offered as lot 40575 that reached $69,000. Eastern European coins, always a strong category, performed well and included several notable realizations. The low mintage 1755 gold 5 Ruble in NGC AU-55 sold for $42,888, the very rare platinum 12 Ruble of 1831 in the same grade realized $41,125, and the Mint State 1830 platinum 6 Ruble that is tied for the second finest certified in the grade of NGC MS-64 reached a final price of $48,875.

Highlights of the Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio August 2012 World’s Fair of Money sale include:

  • Lot 20098, DANISH WEST INDIES. Danish West Indies National Bank. 10 Francs, 1905. P-18a. PMG Very Fine 30 EPQ. Realized $15,275
  • Lot 40081, CZECHOSLOVAKIA. 2 Dukaty, 1951. PCGS MS-67 Secure Holder. Realized $19,975
  • Lot 40121, GERMANY. Frankfurt. 5 Ducat, ND (ca. 1658). NGC XF-45. Realized $14,100
  • Lot 40141, GREAT BRITAIN. Triple Unite, 1642. Oxford Mint. PCGS AU-58. Realized $161,000
  • Lot 40224, ITALY. Sardinia. 80 Lire, 1821-L. NGC AU-58. Realized $43,700
  • Lot 40239, ITALY. 100 Lire, 1905-R. NGC MS-61. Realized $17,825
  • Lot 40319, POLAND. Danzig. Ducat, 1585. NGC AU-58. Realized $19,550
  • Lot 40342, RUSSIA. 5 Rubles, 1755. St. Petersburg Mint (without mint mark). NGC AU-55. Realized $42,888
  • Lot 40348, RUSSIA. 5 Rubles, 1798-CN OM. St. Petersburg Mint. NGC MS-62. Realized $63,250
  • Lot 40356, RUSSIA. 12 Ruble, 1831-CNB. NGC AU-55. Realized $41,125
  • Lot 40357, RUSSIA. 6 Ruble, 1830-CNB. NGC MS-64. Realized $48,875
  • Lot 40358, RUSSIA. 6 Rubles, 1830-SP. PCGS Genuine–Cleaning, AU Details Secure Holder.Realized $19,550
  • Lot 40359, RUSSIA. 3 Ruble, 1828-CNB. NGC PROOF-65. Realized $15,863
  • Lot 40575, GREAT BRITAIN. Pound, 1644. Oxford Mint. NGC XF-45. Realized $69,000
  • Lot 40727, POLAND. Lithuania. Taler, 1586-NB. NGC MS-64. Realized $27,025
  • Lot 40734, POLAND. 18 Groszy, 1702-EPH. Leipzig Mint. NGC MS-64. Realized $43,125
  • Lot 40736, POLAND. Taler, 1792-MV. NGC AU-58. Realized $14,950
  • Lot 40747, RUSSIA. Albertus Ruble, 1796-BM. PCGS AU-55 Secure Holder. Realized $21,850
  • Lot 40766, RUSSIA. Ruble, 1898-AT. NGC MS-64. Realized $14,375
  • Lot 40811, TRANSYLVANIA. Taler, 1609-NB. NGC MS-62. Realized $23,500


Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio is currently accepting consignments for the Official Auction of the November 2012 Whitman Coin and Collectibles Baltimore Expo, the January 2013 N.Y.I.N.C. auction, and the April 2013 Hong Kong auction. Additionally, Stack’s Bowers Galleries is the Official Auctioneer of the August 2013 World’s Fair of Money, which will take place in Chicago, and we are currently accepting consignments for that event as well.

For a complete list of prices realized in the Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio August 2012 World’s Fair of Money Auction, visit or call at 800.458.4646. To consign contact Stack’s Bowers Galleries at 800.458.4646 (West Coast office) or 800.566.2580 (East Coast office), or by email at [email protected].

About Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio

Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio is the world and ancients auction division of Stack’s Bowers Galleries. It was founded in 1982 as Ponterio & Associates by Richard Ponterio, renowned specialist in world and ancient numismatics, who is now executive vice president of Stack’s Bowers Galleries. Past auctions have included such notable coin collections as the Wa She Wong Collection, the John S. Davenport Collection, the Witte Museum Collection, the Amat Collection, the Joe Lasser Collection, and the James Hunnicut Collection. Distinguished paper money collections include the East Bay Collection of International Bank Notes, and the Eduard Kann Chinese Bank Note Collection, along with treasure collections from the shipwrecks “Nicobar,” “Rooswijk,” and “Capitana.”

For more information about the Stack’s Bowers and Ponterio August 2012 World’s Fair of Money auction, call 949.253.0916 or visit For media inquiries, contact Kris Briggs, marketing manager.


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