“Excitement and anticipation have run high since first mention of this sale was made. Our team has been hard at work on all aspects of bringing these spectacular rarities to market. I’m pleased to announce the projected sale dates so collectors, dealers and others around the world can plan accordingly,” stated Christine Karstedt, executive vice president for the firm. “Future announcements will be made relating to displays, previews, books and, of course, the contents of each event.”
The collection is laden with rare and unique coins, including many that are the finest known of their date and variety. The Sultan of Muscat Class I 1804 silver dollar, a nearly perfect Gem Proof, is far and away the finest known and set a record when the Pogue family bought it at the Walter H. Childs Collection Sale in 1999. In the entire history of American numismatics there have been only two times when an 1822 half eagle has sold at auction: at the Harlan P. Smith Sale in 1906 and at the Eliasberg United States Gold Coin Collection in 1982. The Eliasberg coin, the finest of three known, was sold into the Pogue Collection, the other two examples are in the National Numismatic Collection in the Smithsonian Institution making the Pogue specimen the only collectible example and unique in that regard.
“We expect that the interest and excitement surrounding the D. Brent Pogue Collection will have a dynamic and very positive impact on the entire coin market." commented Greg Roberts, chairman. “The Proofcopper, silver, and gold coins before 1840 would take pages to describe,” noted Larry Stack, who has been key in arranging the coins for auction. “Add Gem Mint State coins and there would be another long list! No collection of this quality and scope has ever been formed before.” Harvey Stack, who over the years was the source of many of the coins added, “It is a pleasure to work with the Pogues and also to see some of my favorite coins once more.”
Connoisseurs and specialists in half cents, large cents, half dimes, dimes, quarters, half dollars, silver dollars, quarter eagles, half eagles, and eagles will have once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Once sold, no collection of this scope and importance will ever be offered again.
Dave Bowers, who has worked with the Pogue family for decades, is preparing three books in connection with the event —drawing upon assistance from staff experts and researchers. The first is titled The 1822 Gold Half Eagle: Story of a Rarity. This will contain not only information on the Mint and era in which these coins were made, but also an extensively documented history and biography of every person and company known to have owned or handled one of the three coins, with separate chapters on each of the three specimens. Per Dave’s award-winning style it will be both interesting and informative.
The second volume, with Dave as the lead author, in collaboration with Brent Pogue and input from experts on the Stack’s Bowers Galleries team and others, will be The D. Brent Pogue Collection of American Coinage: The Definitive Sylloge. This will include images and descriptions of well over 600 coins, their grades, pedigrees, and numismatic significance. This volume is expected to be a standard reference book for years to come.
The third numismatic work will be an extensively illustrated volume on the most popular, most eagerly sought coins in the collection, coins that will cross the block to become treasures for their new owners. “These coins are presented for their numismatic appeal and place in American history and because they represent a unique opportunity to acquire superb specimens that in many instances have been off the market for a generation or more,” stated Brian Kendrella, president. “In just a few weeks we will be unveiling a special section of our website dedicated to this collection and to special events and previews as they are scheduled.”
Each sale will be held in New York City. The projected dates are as follows:
- – Tuesday, May 19, 2015
- – Thursday, October 1, 2015
- – Thursday, February 18, 2016
- – Thursday, May 19, 2016
- – Thursday, September 22, 2016
- – Thursday, February 16, 2017
- – Thursday, May 18, 2017
- – Thursday, September 21, 2017
If you would like to receive continuing information on the sale of the D. Brent Pogue Collection, without obligation, just contact Christine Karstedt by email at [email protected]. More information will be posted regularly as available at www.stacksbowers.com.