If there is one particular event nationwide that is important to the hobby each year it is the annual edition of A Guide Book of United States Coins. First published in 1946 with a cover date of 1947, this volume stands today in its 68th edition as the best single source for information on the title subject. Costing just $16.95 the volume offers over 400 pages of information, including tens of thousands of prices, countless color pictures and more. The front part of the book has a narrative of American coinage from colonial issues to date. Read this part alone, flip back and forth to check pictures and information on the items being discussed, and with an evening or two of time you will be on your way to becoming an expert. The Guide Book is also an interesting way to explore new areas. When you have reached a point of having most of the Morgan silver dollars in your set and want to turn to something else, or you have finished a display of commemoratives and want to investigate another series, the Guide Book is the best place to do it. Information can be obtained at a glance.
I purchased my first Guide Book as a teenager in 1952 and ever since then I have looked forward to the latest edition. It used to be that it came out in the summer, usually in July. In recent years the launch date has been moved up to March. Each issue is dated a year in advance so as to prolong the shelf life in bookstores. The 2015 edition reached the marketplace last month.
In the 1950s before the advent of Coin World and weekly prices, the Guide Book used to be the main source for valuations. Today in 2014 with the Internet, the certification services posting value guides, there are hundreds of places to find information. In fact, there are probably too many. The Guide Book is faster than any of these other systems, although the Internet will add such information as bid and ask prices.
Years ago I and other dealers would spend part of July adjusting our prices, usually upward. Most coins sold at about the Guide Book levels, but often when a series was particularly active I would offer to pay full Guide Book price or even higher, and other dealers would do the same.
Today’s Guide Book is better than ever. The senior editor is Kenneth Bressett who has occupied this position for many years. I am the research editor and Jeff Garrett is the valuations editor. Dozens of dealers, collectors and other experts have contributed market prices, giving balance and accuracy to the evaluations.
I recommend that you acquire a copy today — easily enough done by going to the Whitman Publishing Company website or another Internet source. Or, stop in at just about any bookstore. Then enjoy!