
Did You Know?

​Did you know for nearly four decades Stack’s Bowers Galleries and our predecessor firms have dominated the #1 position when it comes to world records prices for U.S. coins?  Since 1979 we have held this world record for all but seven years! Stack’s Bowers Galleries has the longest standing record of success in numismatics!  If you are thinking of selling, contact a consignment specialist today at 800-458-4646.


U.S. Coin World Record Price Holders — 1979 Through 2018

Date RangePriceCoinAuction Company
January 2013-Present$10,016,8751794 Silver DollarStack’s Bowers
July 2002-January 2013$7,590,0201933 Double EagleStack’s Bowers/Sotheby’s
August 1999-July 2002$4,140,0001804 Class I Silver DollarStack’s Bowers
April 1997-August 1999$1,815,0001804 Class I Silver DollarStack’s Bowers

May 1996-April 1997$1,485,0001913 Liberty Head NickelStack’s Bowers
July 1989-May 1996$990,0001804 Class I Silver DollarRARCOA
November 1979-July 1989$725,0001787 Brasher DoubloonStack’s Bowers


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