
Collection of a Distinguished European Scholar:

The Distinguished European Scholar who built this collection of coinage traveled extensively throughout Europe and Asia over 40 years ago. As he journeyed he was able to purchase high quality pieces at a time when interest had not developed and prices were very low for these types of coins. With incredible foresight he put together one of the greatest collections ever formed in this collectibles area.


The focus of this portion of his collection is Southeast Asia, specifically areas of French dominion or influence. Coins from French Cochin China, Cambodia and French Indo China comprise this substantial offering, pieces acquired years before Lecompte and Gadoury authored their definitive reference on French Colonial coinage. As the majority of these pieces are Paris Mint products, the artistry and attention to detail are superb. Nearly every piece in this offering has received a numerical grade of 61 or finer from PCGS. One piece is designated as a Proof striking, seven have received Mint State grades, and the other 29 pieces bear the Specimen designation, referring to their superior strike (similar to a proof striking) but sometimes with matte fields. This Specimen grade may apply to patterns and other specially prepared coinage (such as essais) that are not strictly proof strikings. The level of quality in this collection is obvious; keep in mind that over 70 percent of these coins were struck over a century ago, yet some look fresh from the minting press.

整套珍藏的焦點是東南亞,特別是受法國統治或影響的地區。從法屬交趾支那(現今越南的南端,包括湄公河三角洲)柬埔寨和法屬印度支那(印度)所得的錢幣組成此套的發行。在Lecompte 及 Gadoury授權為法國殖民地錢幣的權威參考前收購。由於大部分錢幣皆由巴黎造幣廠所鑄,藝術性和各種細節方面都堪稱一流。整套錢幣幾乎每一枚都獲PCGS評得61分或以上,其中一枚是精製版,七枚MS級, 其他二十九枚是樣幣,極好壓印,與精製類似,唯霧面地章。SP級可應用到沒有嚴格規定精製的樣幣或其他特別版的錢幣上(例如試作幣)。此收藏系列的質量非常明顯; 超過70% 的錢幣於一世紀前所鑄,但大部分看起來依然十分新煥耀眼。

Highlights from this exceptional collection include an extremely rare Cambodian Pattern 10 Centimes struck in gold with the denomination effaced, a potentially unique offering which could far exceed our estimate. The collection also features a pair of Piastre Essais, one from French Cochin China and one from French Indo China, struck in 1879 and 1947 respectively. Each piece features its own interesting design and is a top condition census example. The French Cochin China Piastre Essai displays a design from the famous Barre family of French engravers. The 1947 Piastre Essai has the distinction of being one of only four known, according to Lecompte. As these and the other fantastic numismatic treasures cross the auction block, the legacy begun decades ago by our Distinguished European Scholar will continue into a new generation.

此頂級收藏系列的亮點是一枚極為罕見的柬埔寨10分金製樣幣,面值沒有呈現,其潛在的獨特性可能遠遠超過我們的預期。另有一組1879年法屬交趾支那及1947年法屬印度支那所鑄的坐洋試樣幣。 每一枚都具有自身有趣的設計,為頂級品相。法屬交趾支那試樣幣由著名的法國雕刻師亞伯特‧巴里家族所設計。根據Lecompte ,1947年的坐洋試樣幣則是現今所知的四枚之一。由於這些錢幣和其他稀奇的古錢幣珍品呈現在拍賣上,幾十年前由歐洲著名學者開創的傳奇將傳承至新的一代。​

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