Ron Gillio, Numismatics Acquisitions Coordinator at Stack’s Bowers Galleries, was honored for 50 years of membership and service by the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) at the August 2023 ANA World’s Fair of Money in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The plaque was jointly presented by PNG Executive Director John Feigenbaum and long-time PNG member and dealer Kevin Lipton on August 8. The award not only recognizes Ron’s 50 years of membership in the PNG, but also his service as president of the organization from 1991 through 1993, and earlier service as vice president, treasurer and secretary.
In the PNG news release, Ron comments: “I joined in May 1973 at the young age of 27 as member number 204. A few years later I was elected to the Board of Directors and served continuously for 17 years, never missing a meeting. During my tenure as president, I formed many consumer protection committees and organized various meetings with the ANA and other groups to discuss ways to help collectors and dealers. After my years on the Board, I was still very active in the 1990s on different committees, doing whatever I could for the PNG.”
Feigenbaum stated: “It is an amazing honor and a cornerstone of my new tenure as executive director to have the opportunity to present Ron with his 50-year plaque. Ron’s participation in the PNG for six decades represents the perfect example of the enduring value and legacy of this vital organization. The PNG stands for ‘knowledge, integrity, and responsibility’ of its members, and nobody encapsulates these virtues better than Mr. Gillio.”
Stack’s Bowers Galleries is grateful for Ron’s many years of service to the PNG and to our firm, and we congratulate him on this award.