
FUN Show Report

January was a month of exciting activity for Stack’s Bowers Galleries. In addition to our landmark auction sales in NYC, others attended the FUN show in Orlando. The FUN show is thought of as a barometer for the first quarter. If auction prices are good and activity brisk, the momentum carries us with good spirits into March and beyond. Good reports came in across the board. Trading action was heavy throughout the week, some fabulous consignments crossed the table for our future sales, and overall, collectors and dealers alike seemed to be optimistically looking forward to a fabulous 2012.

A main attraction at the show was the Educational Seminar conducted by Scott Travers. A popular author, speaker, and rare coin consultant, Travers showcased the economy, the passion to buy gold and silver and reasons for doing so, the economy, and how to buy and sell coins.

Television and radio commentator Jim Kingsland, well-known to millions of viewers, shared insights on precious metals in a presentation coordinated with details about the economy past and present, inflation, and the United States dollar. Maurice Rosen, of the award-winning Rosen Advisory newsletter, shared his views of the market, gold and silver, and other topics. David Hall, opened the seminar with his own views on these issues and then introduced the lead speaker, Scott Travers. I was delighted to represent the rare coin auction field for Scott giving insights on buying and selling coins and sharing some of my experience in the field, including taking the first step in consigning to auctions.

The room was packed from wall to wall, from front to back. Emphasis was made on being not just an investor but to have a bit of collecting spirit influencing your purchases as well. Of course, the most significant organization for collectors is the American Numismatic Association. As part of the program a show of hands as to how many people belonged to the American Numismatic Association was requested. On behalf of Stack’s Bowers Galleries and the ANA I invited anyone interested to sign up for a free ANA membership for a full year. After the Seminar a special table was set up outside of the room and was thronged with enthusiastic members-to-be!

The event was such a dynamic success that the team is planning a similar, more extensive seminar to be held at the Whitman Coin and Currency Expo on March 23rd from 1 pm to 3 pm. Please be sure to mark your calendars and attend.

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